Zimbabwe’s 2017 house prices a rags to riches story

The state of the property market is a reflection of the economic path the ambitious Zimbabwean take from being a peasant to a wealthy person. An analysis shows that we all belong to four market segments namely the high, medium, transitional low and affluent low densities. The high density ( house prices $20 000.00 [core […]
Zimbabwe Dangerous Transport Networks

The recent horror accident that has been reported to have claimed 45 lives of our brothers and sisters happened about 30km before Makuti along Harare and Chirundu highway is another sad chapter in our history. Police spokeswoman Charity Charamba said onThursday said that the bus crashed on Wednesday night about 96 miles north of the […]
The real cost of free WiFi in Zimbabwe

Zimbabweans and Zimbabwean businesses are becoming more and more connected to the world wide web. This is a good thing because increased connectivity opens us up even more to a world of opportunity. To add to that, from a business point of view, increased connectivity (more so broadband) can increase business process efficiency. But, that […]
Is Acie Lumumba Capitalising on #ThisFlag?

This week and Wednesday 13 July 2016 in particular, has been quite moving. It was the week in which someone was arrested for inspiring others to speak up. It saw scores of people come together in person at the Harare Magistrates Court and in spirit via social media in support of Pastor Evan Mawarire (#ThisFlag […]
What to do if WhatsApp gets blocked in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe once again finds itself going tough times and that said, Zimbabweans are speaking out more about their frustrations. Many are sharing their feelings, thoughts and frustrations via social media and other communication platforms such as WhatsApp. The messages have inspired many to speak out and stand up for what they feel is right. But, […]
Become anonymous online with a VPN & prevent the Zimbabwe government from spying on you

Over the last few weeks, Zimbabweans have been exercising their freedom of speech and especially so via social media and messaging platforms such as WhatsApp. All that you have to do is log into Facebook or Twitter where you will more than likely come across updates from friends expressing their sentiments on the situation in […]
Become anonymous online with a VPN & prevent the Zimbabwe government from spying on you

Over the last few weeks, Zimbabweans have been exercising their freedom of speech and especially so via social media and messaging platforms such as WhatsApp. All that you have to do is log into Facebook or Twitter where you will more than likely come across updates from friends expressing their sentiments on the situation in […]
How to beat Zimbabwe’s Bond Notes

Our economy has been through all sorts in the last few years. It’s has gone from a functional Zimbabwe dollar to a dysfunctional dollar that saw unprecedented levels of hyperinflation that caused all sorts of chaos. It got to a point where it didn’t make sense to transact in our own currency where trillion dollar […]
MDC Zimbabwe peaceful demonstration (14 April 2016) in pictures

The Movement for Democratic Change held a demonstration in the city centre of Harare today in protest of unemployment, corruption, lack of rule of law and the economic meltdown currently dogging the country. The leader of MDC former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai addressed the protesters at Africa Unity Square where he implored the youths of […]
Traffic cops clash with kombi drivers

The “Ngongonos” or Knockers have resurfaced again on the streets of Harare. These truncheon wielding traffic control officers who have earned the moniker “ Mangongongo” from touts and drivers manning the illegal undesignated bus stops strewn all over the city center commonly referred to as “Mshika,shika” are bearing down hard on errant kombi drivers and […]