The Fifth Brigade and Gukurahundi Massacres
Gukurahundi which means ‘the early rain which washes away the chaff before the spring rains’ is what Mugabe chose to call a military operation to combat civil unrest. In 1980 signed an agreement with North Korean President Kim Il Sung to have the North Korean Military train a brigade for the Zimbabwean Army. This brigade […]
Mugabe’s Supporters – “The Million Man March”
Mugabe’s supporters in what was term “The Million Man March”.
Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Born on the 21st of February 1924, Robert Gabriel Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe for nearly three decades. He played a key role in Zimbabwe’s independence struggle and bringing an end to British colonial rule. He came into power in 1980 as the prime minister of a newly formed Zimbabwe whose independence was internationally recognized on […]
Zimbabwe’s Economy – Black Friday
US $1 is now worth ZW $2,000,000 on the black market. Inflation is said to be around 15,000% (independent analysts put it much higher). Is it all a result of Mugabe’s mismanagement and controversial policies? Mugabe recently said that Zimbabwe’s economy would not collapse. What marks the collapse of an economy? The economy has been […]
The Passport That Takes You Nowhere

In Zimbabwe’s early years travel was so easy for a number of her citizens. Getting together all the necessary items to take your family on holiday was not a difficult task. Applying for a getting a passport if you didn’t have one was simple. Getting money for travel, accommodation and spending was not a problem […]
Maybe Air Zimbabwe Can Do It
Following on from the previous post, maybe Air Zimbabwe can do it. Strengthening ties with airlines in the region may help in rebuilding the airline. Take a look at the story below:
British Airways Flies Out – Will Air Zimbabwe Cope?

On the 28th of October a British Airways Boeing 777 flew out of Harare on its way to London for the last time. BA cited high operational costs as the reason for the pull out. Fuel shortages in Zimbabwe had forced them to truck fuel in from neighbouring countries which was becoming uneconomical. A decline […]
The Smoke That Thunders – Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls is a 1.7km wide waterfall that drops up to 107m into the Zambezi Gorge forming the largest curtain of water in the world. The falls which are located between the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia are feed by the Zambezi River. The Falls were named Mosi oa Tunya ‘the smoke that thunders’ by […]
The Zimbabwe Dollar – 1,000,000 to 1

One US Dollar will get you One Million Zimbabwe Dollars. That is just ridiculous!! I checked the official bank rate about two to three weeks ago and it was ZW $30,000 to US$1. The official rate doesn’t really mean much for everyday people in Zimbabwe because you can’t get yourself any foreign currency at the […]
Pain in My Heart
For the first post, I have put up a short version of the documentary Pain in My Heart by Zimbabwean journalist and broadcaster Hopewell Chin’ono. In the documentary he follows 2 people infected by HIV. One of them has access to anti retro virals drugs and other does not. HIV/AIDS is something that has affected […]