Luciano, Joe and Beyonce To Rescue Zim Tourism

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) is on a mission to try and revive the once thriving tourism sector through their Perception Management Programme. The programme involves bringing opinion leaders and celebrities to the country who will then hopefully go on to share their experience of Zimbabwe with the world. Late last year the ZTA invited […]
The Small House Syndrome

Small House is a term used to describe the girlfriend or girlfriends of a married man. It is a secret sexual relationship where the girlfriend acts as a second wife and in the process receives a number of benefits such as living expenses, a monthly allowance, shopping sprees, dinner dates (and the list goes on) […]
Zimbabwe Listed as One of the Most Dangerous Destinations?

I was reading through Forbes last week and came across an interesting article: World’s Most Dangerous Destinations. I was curious to see if Zimbabwe was listed amongst the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan and that it was. Forbes gathered the information from iJet, a company that specializes in assessing global threats. Zimbabwe was ranked five […]
Simba Makoni to Challenge Mugabe

Last week there were a number of reports flying around that former finance minister Simba Makoni was starting a political party to run against Mugabe in the elections. According to a number of reports, he has the backing of a number of senior government officials, the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), the armed forces and prominent […]
Contribute to Living Zimbabwe

UPDATE: THIS HAS NOW BECOME CITIZEN JOURNALISM BY LIVING ZIMBABWE If you would like to contribute to Living Zimbabwe by writing a post or submitting items such as images, useful information or whatever it may be that has to do with Zimbabwe and its people you can do so via the form below.All submission will […]
Is MDC Fighting A Losing Battle?
The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) was founded in 1999 in opposition to Mugabe’s ZANU PF. They have not had much luck in bringing an end to Mugabe’s rule. In 2005 MDC spilt into two factions following policy differences among senior leaders. The mainstream faction is led by Morgan Tsvangirai and the other by Arthur […]
Animal Farm and Zimbabwe
I was recently encouraged by a close friend to read Animal Farm by George Orwell. I heard of the book a long time ago but never got around to reading it and I am glad that I finally have (thank-you …..). At the time of publication in 1945 it was an allegory of the Russian […]
Mbeki – Zuma – Quiet Diplomacy
Last week Jacob Zuma was elected as the new president of the African National Congress (ANC) ousting President Thabo Mbeki. This I find very interesting as he was recently acquitted of rape charges. I would not have thought that he would have that amount of support with his background. He could very well be the […]
The Price of a Bride

Roora (bride-price or dowry) is an old custom where a groom pays in order to marry the bride. The payment made to the bride’s family is meant to signify gratitude towards the bride’s family for raising her and a smaller portion of it is to help the bride set up house. It is a process […]
Sanctions Against Zimbabwe
Over the years, a number of countries world wide have been placing sanctions on Zimbabwe. These sanctions have been mainly targeted towards members of the Mugabe regime. Countries imposing sanctions include the United States, Britain, the EU, Australia and New Zealand just to name a few. Sanctions include travel bans, financial sanctions and a ban […]