Getting arrested in Zimbabwe and being taken to any police station let alone Central is something you want to avoid at all costs. Guilty or not, once you are in a position where you are being taken to station, bribe them to get out of it. In most instances, the police are more than willing to take a few dollars to look the other way. Bribery and corruption is part and parcel of life in Zimbabwe.
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I remember just going to see my cousin in the CID department at Central, downstairs where it was dark and gloomy! I felt GULTY as if I had done something wrong and I was thinking to myself what if I actually was a criminal!!! I was also just thinking that the next cop would stop me and say “uyu ndiye atanga tichi tsvaka!”
Does anyone have the number for central police station?? or who can i call to report some iilegal activity.
zrp rusape thank you for you hard working no crimes in our area
best to try your best to stay out of trouble