Our what? Exactly! Who even understands big words like that? Not many, but it is my job to understand, and explain it to you so that you know what is expected of someone who presents themselves to you as an Estate Agent. Estate Agents in Zimbabwe are controlled by a very strict set of conduct […]
Archive | Business & Economy
Cassette Tapes Still Thriving in Zimbabwe

A large majority of you have probably had a good laugh about how decades ago cassette tapes were a popular source of media that was used when buying, storing and of course “dubbing” music. If you went through this era then you probably also remember rewinding or forwarding tapes using an Eversharp 15M ball point […]
Should Air Zimbabwe Be Privatised?

Air Zimbabwe like many other parastatals has been in a downward spiral for the last few years. It has been plagued with all sorts of issues with the majority being of a financial nature. Its pilots are striking at the moment over unpaid wages and this is causing a lot of turmoil. In response to […]
Africa Being Exploited For Its Riches

Last month a plane that crashed in Congo and on board were Australian mining executives from Sundance Resources. The purpose of their visit was to take a look at the expansion of their operations in West Africa. An entire board taking the time to travel to West Africa is sign that there is something there […]
Burning Money to Make Money

Zimbabwe’s economy might be in the doldrums but there are people there who are making a lot of money. Patrick M at Zimbablog wrote an article on ways of making money in Zimbabwe, “The 13 best ways to make money in Zimbabwe”. He outlines a few things that people have been doing to make themselves […]
Selling Zimbabwe Dollars Online Is Profitable

At the start of 2007 ZW$10,000 notes were selling for about US$50 on Ebay and a number of people took advantage and sold the notes for more they were worth. With the introduction of the $100 Billion Dollar note ($100,000,000,000), selling notes for more than they are worth is happening again. As of today, there […]
Zimbabwe’s Economy – Black Friday
US $1 is now worth ZW $2,000,000 on the black market. Inflation is said to be around 15,000% (independent analysts put it much higher). Is it all a result of Mugabe’s mismanagement and controversial policies? Mugabe recently said that Zimbabwe’s economy would not collapse. What marks the collapse of an economy? The economy has been […]
The Zimbabwe Dollar – 1,000,000 to 1

One US Dollar will get you One Million Zimbabwe Dollars. That is just ridiculous!! I checked the official bank rate about two to three weeks ago and it was ZW $30,000 to US$1. The official rate doesn’t really mean much for everyday people in Zimbabwe because you can’t get yourself any foreign currency at the […]