Impact of ZiG Devaluation: How to Protect Your Wealth in Zimbabwe

On the 28th of September 2024, many a Zimbabwean became aware of the resolutions of the monetary policy committee meeting held the day before. A number of resolutions were made which included an increase in the bank policy rate from 20% to 35% and reduction of the amount of forex an individual can take out […]
Retirement Planning Considerations in Zimbabwe

The global elderly population is increasing, and while the Western world is generally better prepared for this trend with assets, retirement packages, savings, and investments, the situation in Zimbabwe is quite different. Many retirees in Zimbabwe lack substantial savings or secure retirementg packages, which creates a challenging situation. Even though some own homes, financial security […]
Is it time for Zimbabwe to adopt Bitcoin, stablecoins and other cryptocurrency?

The introduction of yet another new currency adds to the ongoing challenges of navigating Zimbabwe’s economic landscape. As history has shown, these moves have not often gone according to plan. The currency changes have led to the dollar losing its value and sky high inflation. The significant loses have affected peoples day to day survival […]
The Devil’s Advocate: What Price for Morality?

This piece was submitted on 15 December 2019 and was not published at the time due to a system error. Read it, leave a comment and share it with your tribe. The Living Zimbabwe Team. WR 29: THE DEVILS ADVOCATE: WHAT PRICE FOR MORALITY? Warmest greetings to you all despite the turbulent weather. In a […]
Why the rich will get the job and the promotion

Growing up l was fortunate enough to attend one of the better schools in Zimbabwe at high school level and during my studies, l interacted with kids from very rich backgrounds and by rubbing shoulders with them l learnt and noticed a lot of things which made these kids to have soft skills to thrive […]
What to do during Zimbabwe’s 21-day coronavirus lockdown

Coronavirus, COVID-19 has gripped the world and pretty much brought it to its knees. As of writing, there have been 1,203,923 confirmed cases, 64,795 deaths and 247,273 recovered. It has spread around the world quickly with some parts being hit a lot harder than others. Zimbabwe has not been immune to the coronavirus scourge. As […]
Travel essentials to pack when visiting Zimbabwe

Any sort of travel be it across town, from town to town, from country to country requires planning on how you are going to get from A to B. Whether travelling by road, air or over water for that matter, knowing details such as where, when, how, for how long, where to stay and so […]
How to get a Zimbabwe visitor visa extension

Citizens from all over the world visit Zimbabwe be it for tourism, business or to visit family and friends. As far as getting into the country goes, some do not require a visa, whilst others are required to obtain a visa to enter the country. Zimbabwe visitor visa requirements depend on the nationality of the […]
How a grandmother keeps snakes away from her Harare home

Winter has pretty much come and gone and we are well and truly into the heat of things as far as the temperature is concerned. For cold-blooded animals such as snakes and lizards, this brings about the time to come out in full force and do what they do best. It is said that animals […]
Learn to code and be part of Zimbabwe’s digital transformation

Strive Masiyiwa recently put out a piece on a range of activities that he is carrying out in Botswana. One of them was the set up of a school run through the Muzinda Hub Botswana where people learn how to code. The school aims to equip students with tech skills and business acumen to set […]